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Showing posts from November, 2010

Free Celphone From Citibank

                                Image via Wikipedia Citibank Philippine s is giving away Nokia 1800 cellular phone handsets when you apply for a new credit card. Please take note that this promo is exclusively in the Philippines and the minimum gross annual earnings should be 200000 pesos to qualify for a Citibank credit card. For more information see the promo page of Citibank Philippines . Additional information regarding credit cards can be read here. Credit Card-Friend or Foe? See the Related Post section below for more related articles in the topic " credit cards "

Money: BPI 10K Test on Equity Funds

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) has launched a new campaign to promote their " Equity Funds ". On their website , on the top banner section, there displayed a comparison between a bank savings (Time Deposit) and an Investment (Equity Funds). The display changes from one month to one year period after the money was laid. What you can easily notice is the relatively slow growth of the Time deposit compared to the seemingly fast growth of their Equity Funds . In the picture below, after six months, your 10 000 pesos time deposit has only 237.5 pesos increase while the same amount already have 2905.62 pesos growth if invested in their equity funds. (The disclaimer though, said that the figure is based on the historical performance of their fund.) By clicking the button, "Start Investing Here", you will be redirected to an interactive webpage (The 10K Test) that will ask about your your risk tolerance. To further their support and encouragement, they of...

Money: 1% Credit Card Interest? Cool!

                                  Image via Wikipedia I just read this news about a proposal from a lawmaker to trim down the traditional 3% monthly credit card interest down to 1% . He wanted the Philippines to have a firm law to tame credit card companies. The 3% interest, according to him, based on several existing laws is "excessive, iniquitous, unconscionable, and exorbitant". Now, if ever that proposal will indeed become a law and be properly and effectively implemented, then it will bring relief to those who has been a victim of themselves when it comes to credit card use. As I have already mentioned in this blog, credit card offers lots of advantages especially at the standpoint "convenience". But as useful as it was, it also has many dangers. Credit card has been a tool that is prone to abuse leading many in an unmanageable debt that continues to grow with a huge interest r...