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Showing posts from April, 2011

JUNE 20, 2011 (Monday) is A Non-Working Holiday (Rizal's 150th Birth Day) -Palace

                                      Image via Wikipedia President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III announces today that Monday, June 20, 2011 is a non-working holiday throughout the Philippines in celebration of the 150th birthday of Dr. Jose Rizal , Philippines' national hero. The declaration is via Proclamation No. 154 . Rizal Day is celebrated annually every December 30 , the date when Rizal was executed at Luneta. This is the first time that the country will celebrate Rizal's date of birth.

iPad 2 Coming to Philippines, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong and Many More Countries This Week

In a press release, Apple announces that they will be releasing the iPad 2 to 12 additional countries this week. Those countries were  Japan, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey and UAE  and  Philippines. Aside from Japan (April 28) , all others will have the iPad 2 by Friday, April 29, 2011 on Apple official retailers. iPad 2 iPad 2 is the second generation of a Apple's tablet device featuring a major upgrade from its predecessor including, thinner and lighter design, front and back-facing cameras for capturing pictures and videos and video calling, and a faster processor and graphics. Apple also introduced   Smart Covers designed along with iPad 2 . Click here for more details regarding the availability and pricing in the Philippines.

"There is no partisan politics angle or any hidden agenda" - DSWD to Revillame and Lawyers

Willie Revillame . Image by ~C4Chaos via Flickr The  Department of Social Welfare and Development ( DSWD ) issued a counter-statement against Willie Revillame and his lawyers regarding the accusation of the latter that he has been a victim of politics regarding the issue of child abuse. In the press release published at the official website of DSWD , the government agency defended their involvement in the case. They said that after the video of Jan-jan was posted on YouTube they received "more than 100 email messages from concerned individuals, mothers, child advocacy/legal groups, and even OFWs from Hongkong and the USA" rousing them to act over the issue. The department also appealed to the public saying that "there is no partisan politics angle or any hidden agenda as Mr. Revillame and his lawyers alleged." They also made it clear that their primary concern is the welfare of Jan-jan and his family. They also added that Jan-jan's case was "one...

5 Tips On Booking Airline Tickets That Can Help You Save Money

Cebu Pacific . Image via Wikipedia Nowadays, airline promos are as common as "common colds". Almost every airline has their seat sale every now and then. Except for busy seasons like Christmas and Holy Week, there are bunch of low airfares being offered for both domestic and international destinations . Of course, the Philippines' largest  low-cost airline , Cebu Pacific is credited to be the trend-setter of this phenomenon. But in spite of these, many are still complaining that they were not able to book cheap airfares especially during promos. There might be various reasons why but here are some tips based on my personal experience to help you save money when buying airline tickets . 1. Watch for promos several months before your travel period. Airline promos are usually made available for booking several months ahead of the travel period (three or more months ). I noticed from my readers' comments that they were usually looking for promo fares...

Blogging In My iPad Using BlogPress App

Cross Posted From Technology Logs I just bought an iPad just a couple of weeks ago. One of the key reasons why I bought this device is for me to be able to post on my blogs anywhere I am as long as there's WiFi connection (i just bought a WiFi model due to cost). So, when I tried to use it to post an article, I was extremely disppointed to find out that Blogger's "Compose Mode" is not working on an iPad. I later found out that the reason was that iOS , the system that runs Apple touchscreen mobile devices ( iPhones , iPod Touches , and iPads ) is not supporting Adobe Flash and Blogger's "Compose Mode" require's Flash to run. Since I already bought the device and I began to love its other functions, I have no choice but to use it. So, I searched diferent forums and blogs to find the workaround to this issue. There seems to be few suggested solutions. One was 'just use the "HTML" mode' which I don't like. The other one, wh...