As a young professional, time is so precious to me. With a lot of things in my plate everyday, I cannot afford to lose a minute of it. And one of the most frustrating waste of time is lining up for my bills payment. Thank goodness there are alternative ways of paying bills such as online payment. In this article, I will show how to pay your Sunlife Insurance using BPI Express Online Facility. Enroll Your Sunlife Account to Your BPI Express Online Account This step assumes that you already have an Express Online account. If you haven't done so, please check this article first. [Read: How to Enroll An Account to BPI Express Online Banking? ] 1. Log-in to BPI Express Online . 2. In the menu bar, select Payments and Reloading >> Bills Payment >> Enroll All Other Bills 3. Fill up the form. In the Bill Information, look for SUNLIFE OF CANADA (SUNLIF) In the Reference Number, enter your 10-digit Policy Number. If you don't know your Policy Numb