Update : This store was already closed. Davao has a lot more to offer than its famous Durian . In a small restaurant along Cabantian Road in Buhangin District, you can eat fried frogs! The name of the restaurant is Goody Cove Grill and they are serving real fried frog, locally known as Baki or Palaka. Crunchy Fried Frog "It tastes like chicken". That's the common remark of those who ate it. Well, you don't need to worry because these frogs were the edible ones. The type of frogs residing in rice fields, so more or less they're just eating leaf-eating bugs. The preparation is safe as well for the beheaded, skinned-out frogs were deep-fried in oil. With that, all the microbes you think it may have had should already be dissolved because of heat. But if you really don't like frogs, you can eat other grilled dishes like fish and chicken. You can eat the fried frog by itself or dip it in the mixture of vinegar and grated onions. You can eat it with ri...