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You are surfing the web with your Firefox browser when suddenly, the website you entered causes your Shockwave Flash plug-in to hang or worse crashes the entire browser program. Some blame flash’s developer Adobe for this bug while others blame Firefox. While Flash has been a ubiquitous web plug-in for some years now, it continues to be the leading source of bugs that crashes all types of browser, not only Firefox.Regarding issue, Mozilla Foundation, the developer of the open source browser Firefox, recently released the beta version of Firefox 3.6.4. This latest version does not fix the bug but improves user experience when that bug occurs. Before, when Flash plug-in hangs, the entire browser crashes including all the opened tabs. NOW, with Firefox 3.5.4, only the affected tab will be allowed to shut down, leaving the rest of the unaffected tab open.
It’s also noteworthy to note that Firefox 3.6.4 does not only cater the errors caused by Adobe Shockwave Flash plug-in but also that of other plug-ins like Microsoft Silverlight and Apple QuickTime. Firefox 3.5.4 is now ready for download for those who want to test its performance.
Please take note that Firefox 3.5.4 is a BETA version. So expect some stability issues.
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