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NOT TRUE: BBC News Flash Report: Japan government confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuke plants

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Since the news spread out about the possible meltdown of Japan's nuclear reactor in Fukushima due to the strong earthquake last Friday, there has been fictitious text/SMS messages circulating around the Philippines. The text message warns that the radiation from the problematic nuclear plant will reach the Philippines and other Asian countries today and everybody is advised to stay indoors for their safety especially when it rains. Here's one variation of that text message:

BBC FLASHNEWS: Japan government confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants. Asia countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24hrs. Close doors & windows. Swab neclskin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precautions. Radiation may hit Phil at starting 4pm today. Pls send to your loved ones.

If you received a similar text message: DO NOT BELIEVE IT!  DO NOT FORWARD IT! It's a false warning designed to spread unnecessary anxiety and confusion.

Here are the facts:

- Although there has been two explosions in the Fukushima nuclear plant and a possible meltdown might occur, there has been no radiation leak yet that can reach other countries. In fact, only those inside the 12 mile radius from the plant are susceptible to current partial radiation leakage.
See also the report from BBC:

Experts say a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl in the 1980s is highly unlikely because the reactors are built to a much higher standard and have much more rigorous safety measures.

- The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) issued a statement saying that radiation levels in the Philippine environment are all normal.
Here's the actual copy of their statement:

The DOST-PNRI routinely undertakes daily radioactivity monitoring in the environment. Based on DOST-PNRI monitoring, there has been no increase in the levels of radioactivity since the time of the Fukushima event.

A plume trajectory study from the Fukushima site by the World Meteorological Organization based in Melbourne, Australia showed that the plume from the site of the incident will not pass the Philippine territory as of March 14, 2011.

DOST advised the public not to believe this hoax.

Tweet from @govph, Official Twiiter Account of the Office of the President:

DOST advises the public not to believe in hoax messages

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  1. This is annoying. People are now posting this like wildfire without even looking it up for credible links and resources. Thanks for this.

  2. @earl
    Thanks...we need to be careful with infos that we receive from SMS and tweets

  3. hoax.. i think employees from betadine created this hoax?

  4. Thank you!!! Got so paranoid about the earthquake and the tsunami and now these scam text least there's something to prove that it's really hoax....

  5. Betadine Vs. Nuke Radiation...oh COME ON!!!! what else could you ever come up with...we all need prayers not another set of paranoia striking nuisance...

  6. LOL may nuclear research ang Pilipinas!?!?!???!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. even if this is true or not... better be prepared than SORRY!

  8. People who started the text brigade are DUMB!

  9. good publicity to betadine..

  10. Well ,, for me its better to be prepared than doing nothing at all .. =)) ,, safety first !!
    "Nasa huli ang pagsisi."

  11. thankful i found this site,, kaso buong barangay kinontra ako..paano daw kung totoo..mga lola nga na man

  12. "Well ,, for me its better to be prepared than doing nothing at all .. =)) ,, safety first !!
    "Nasa huli ang pagsisi." - March 14, 2011 4:44 PM

    Siguro ikaw ung nag spread nun kaya deny ka ng deny haha

  13. as other said, it;s better to prepared than do nothing..

  14. thanks for the info..

  15. I really hope its not true!really does!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. safety first mga tol... I don't want to be mutant someday!

  17. first thing to do is pray for God's mercy not to look for betadine, true or hoax we have to pray not only for ourselves but to our fellowmen in japan.. and for the japs, pls believe in God..

  18. thanks fr tis infomation..Tis reli helps a lot!

  19. yes my nuclear research institute ang pilipinas mlapit cya sa UP its called Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Medina. Geneticist and nuclear scientist cya recognized internationally at consultant cya ng st. lukes hospital. kya dun sa nagpost at tumatawa na my nuclear research ang pilipinas MERON PO! kya wag mu ismolin ang pinoy!

  20. just wanna ask (sorry if your think this is a stupid question) there a great danger for those houses which using metal deck as roof cover?because acid rain might erode the metal?please enlighten thank you.

  21. Radiation emergency (potassium iodide thyroid protection)

    Potassium iodide (KI) can be taken in the setting of radiation exposure in order to reduce levels of radioactive iodine uptake by the thyroid, thus reducing the risk of later development of thyroid cancer. It is important to note that KI does not provide immediate protection from radiation damage, and does not have protective effects against other complications of radiation exposure. KI can serve as a part of a general strategy in cases of radiation emergencies, in conjunction with shelter and control of foodstuffs. Many radiation emergency kits include KI.


  22. Hope to be one of x-men member today

  23. better to be prepared?! everyone who says so, should get up the next morning and make sure pumasok kayo na may betadine sa neck area ha!!

  24. yep we easily believe even it is hear-says thats why we influence other even its not a solid infos. get a grip I hate it. . . you must believe this infos if it comes from a strong source and because we also feel pressure for some news happening in there.

  25. the government should find ways to pinpoint those people who are spreading this big lies and let them be accountable for this.

  26. Thanks for "clearing" up the air! You did good bro!

    To be a well informed & responsible individual, Always check the official websites
    for the CORRECT news update before passing around Unverified News. ;-)

    BBC News (
    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (
    CNN (

  27. @leofadrix: agree, it's time to be responsible for the information we are spreading.

  28. the ones whom are spreading this can make others confused and wont go out of their homes for 24 hours...and the one who is spreading this will be the one who will put betadine one his/her own neck and be like a fool..:P

  29. Fuck shit yung taong gumawa nyan. kapag nakita ko ito taong to, ipaiinom ko sa kanyang ang lahat ng Betadine sa Pilipinas! Bwusit!

  30. i had to laugh when the text said "BBC Flash News" instead of BBC News flash". Just like they call a "number plate" Plate number instead. Not making fun of your sayings but it is easy to spot a hoax text.
    Seriously though, do Filipinos have 100% faith in their government to give them ample warning about a serious radiation cloud heading this way?
    I watch Channel News Asia and keep up with the minute-by-minute updates on just in case I have to make a move out of Asia.
    Let's hope and pray that this nuclear catastrophe is contained with the threat of forecast after-shocks in the following days, and that our Japanese neighbours don't lose more of their family and friends.

  31. it's so insensitive and immature to whoever who started this hoax. we are all very down and upset for our Japanese folks and yet you had the cheek and time to think of such sms!!?? i think the person should be deal with severely

  32. BBC always does this kind of crap.....
    is ya country out of tsunami risk?

  33. please read this carefully What is KI?
    Potassium iodide (KI) is the same form of iodine used to iodize table salt.KI floods the thyroid with iodine, thus preventing radioactive iodine frombeing absorbed. If taken at the proper time, KI protects the thyroid fromradioactive iodine from all sources - air, food, milk, and water. KI is a nonprescription drug that can be bought over the internet and at somepharmacies. KI is made in pill and liquid forms. The two FDA-approvedbrands of full adult dose 130-mg KI pills are IOSAT® (Anbex, Inc.) andThyro-Block® (Medpointe, Inc.). The FDA-approved brand of 65-mg KI pillsis ThyroSafe® (Recip US). Properly packaged, KI’s shelf life is at least 5years and possibly as long as 11 years. If you accidentally take a very oldpill, it may not work fully but it won’t hurt you. read more here

  34. IT is true they dont want u to belive it spread the link far and wide and let people read for them selves urgent your lives r at risk

    please read this carefully What is KI?
    Potassium iodide (KI) is the same form of iodine used to iodize table salt.KI floods the thyroid with iodine, thus preventing radioactive iodine frombeing absorbed. If taken at the proper time, KI protects the thyroid fromradioactive iodine from all sources - air, food, milk, and water. KI is a nonprescription drug that can be bought over the internet and at somepharmacies. KI is made in pill and liquid forms. The two FDA-approvedbrands of full adult dose 130-mg KI pills are IOSAT® (Anbex, Inc.) andThyro-Block® (Medpointe, Inc.). The FDA-approved brand of 65-mg KI pillsis ThyroSafe® (Recip US). Properly packaged, KI’s shelf life is at least 5years and possibly as long as 11 years. If you accidentally take a very oldpill, it may not work fully but it won’t hurt you. read more here

  35. wasn't BBC you moron, it was one of your idiots in your country

  36. No we don't have faith in our corrupt government here in Philippines. They have robbed our familes for many, many years and even I as a Filipino cannot see why we are proud.

    Can you not imagine why so many of us want to escape the squalor here, no decent country will allow us in without a visa so nowhere to escape to

  37. To those few of you are saying better to be prepared than sorry - spreading false rumors only generates panic and stops true info from getting through.

  38. 1: Radiation and radioactive rain (if there even is) won't make you a mutant, they'll give you cancer, but having deform children is a possibility.
    2: yes, acid rain may corrode the metal roof but it depends on the kind of acid present in the rain (for this it would be the usual gases that cause air-pollution) Whereas the acid rain mentioned here is caused by radioactive particulates, which means that the particles have a higher than usual amount of radiation which may be harmful to the body, but not necessarily acidic. In fact it would be incorrect to call it acid rain unless they have evidence that there are acidic particulates dissolved within the rain.
    3: applying too much betadine on your skin when there is no harm may be harmful because betatdin in higher concentrations is toxic. so "just being safe" may not be safe at all.
    4: betadine is an antiseptic, it kills germs and bacteria how the hell can it possibly prevent radiation poisoning?!

  39. Radiation rises with possible Japan reactor breach

    Things going to be worsen I belive.., God bless Japan..

  40. Ngayong araw meron na naman daw radiation. Kasi kahapon papuntang Russia ang hangin baka raw today papuntang Philippines na. Ano ba talaga??? Dahil sa Agenda Setting ng media at ng mga capitalista, nawawala na sa mundo ang tinatawag na katotohanan. Di natin alam kung ano talaga ang totoo at dapat paniwalaan.

  41. Its really annoying to get such false news to create panic among people.I really don't understand the motto of those people.

  42. Japan Nuclear Plant Leak ..

  43. I too believed it and forwarded to my got to know that was a false. I should have been more intelligent before doing these kind of things. What a shame!

  44. I almost fell for it but didn't forward to anybody cuz I thought I should check it out on the internet first...before 4pm, lol! Thanks for this info. Those creators seriously have nothing better to do.

  45. man...i sure hope u guys r right... :S

  46. I hope this text is fictitious. God save us all from this kind of menmade + godmade calamities

  47. Yes that particular text is false but the latest explosion at Fukushima plant damaged the containment vessel (this is not good news, radiation can spread now)

    The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute website says that the winds are blowing away towards the Pacific Coast (California etc). However winds direction can change so keep a look out

  48. Grrr.... I sent an email to my teachers regarding that fake sms my mum received. Luckily not many teachers knew about it. How could that person joke about this?

  49. we do not loose while taking precaution, if informed well in time of latest developments before any desaster occurs. Such a situation is beyound immigination of emergency. It cannot be a jok.

  50. these things are usual we want to confirm the things before forwarding it......

  51. still i am getting mails, "leak is there"

    please conform, what i have to believe

  52. If you think logically about this hoax text, have any of you considered that the sender could be an individual that stands to make money out of other people?

    Could be a company that sell betadine or iodine, increased sales means increased profits.

    How much do Sun, Globe, Smart and Red stand to make out of all these hundreds of thousands of texts being sent around Philippines?

    A joker out to make money? String the joker up by his testicles!!

  53. SMS Hoax has now reached the UK - D'OH

    Hoax texts and emails are viral, so when the conditions are right, all it needs is a single misunderstanding to start the panic.

  54. loosu pasanga ( mental people forwarding such panic mails )

  55. thinking about it.... if text messaging stopped completely over here in Philippines - people would panic more than they did when they first read this hoax text. ROFLMAO

  56. Thanks for the valuable information because here in kerala spreading the similar message and we will try our maximum to prevent the same

  57. In India, this sms making ppl confuse...most of mobiles receiving this msg....

    crazy ppl


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